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Protecting California’s Many Bustling Shopping Centers

Shopping centers and malls are prevalent throughout California. Just about everywhere you look, there’s a shopping center around the corner. Retail therapy is often what the doctor prescribed, but shoppers need to feel safe when parking their vehicles or managing their way around your food court. Unwanted incidents of vandalism, violence, assault, or theft could deter shoppers from ever returning to your facility. Summit Protective Services specializes in shopping center security throughout the state of California, from Ceres to Sacramento and the Bay Area. Our highly skilled security personnel can provide foot or mobile patrols, real-time incident reporting, and fast response times should an incident ever occur. We can seamlessly coordinate with local law enforcement officials and response teams on your behalf and even provide crowd control for special events held at your shopping center.

Elegant shopping mall

Let Us Establish Your Shopping Center’s Security Protocols

Does your shopping center staff have specialized training to respond to emergencies and security risks? Headlines concerning active shooters have been on the national rise. Don’t wait until it’s too late to begin thinking about emergency preparedness and establishing security protocols. Rely on Summit Protective Services to bridge the gap between your shopping center staff and local law enforcement. Our security personnel is trained to know what to do when the clock is ticking. In addition to patrols and incident reporting, we can also respond to criminal activity or trespassing issues, provide parking lot enforcement, assist in medical emergencies, and even help find lost children in your shopping center. Elevate your brand and give your shoppers peace of mind by hiring one of the best security companies in the state of California.

Reach Out Today and Request a Property Risk Assessment

Our company has over 50 years of experience in top-tier security management for clients of varying sizes, from high-rise offices to retail spaces, educational institutions, and residential neighborhoods. We would welcome the opportunity to keep your shopping center safe for your staff and visitors. Reach out to us today to request a risk assessment. We will thoroughly examine your property, identifying any problem areas while devising a custom-tailored security solution for your specific needs. You can count on Summit Protective Services for reliable security services around the clock and reasonable rates to ensure your long-term satisfaction. Talk to our friendly, experienced team today!

Need a Better Security Blanket? Request a Quote Today!