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Commercial Real Estate Security for California Businesses

Could your retail or high-rise office building benefit from beefed-up security measures? Summit Protective Services offers commercial real estate security for California businesses of all sizes. From Ceres to Sacramento and the Bay Area, we’ve got you covered to prevent potential security risks. Take a proactive stance to deter crime and protect your employees, customers, or tenants with our professional commercial security personnel. Our security company is big enough to provide comprehensive security solutions but small enough to value each and every customer and look after their needs. Whether you need protection during the day or after-hours, we can customize a security solution that works best for your company. Call for a quote!

Looking directly up at the skyline

Trained to Handle Many Security Worst-Case Scenarios

At Summit Protective Services, our staff is trained to deal with many office worst-case scenarios, including vandalism, theft, intrusion, homeless activity, unruly crowds, and disturbances of all kinds. You never know when a security threat will jeopardize your livelihood. It pays to be prepared for any scenario to minimize the possible consequences or damages. If your commercial operation could use help establishing security protocols or emergency preparedness guidelines, we would be happy to provide additional training and peace of mind. We can also provide real-time incident reporting and arrange for foot or vehicle patrols to keep your property under surveillance around the clock. Our personnel is polite and responsive to assess and monitor security risks before they can escalate.

Request a Risk Assessment From Our Experienced Team Today

Whether you’re a commercial property manager or business owner, you shouldn’t leave your building vulnerable to unexpected security threats from within or the outside. Do yourself a favor and contact Summit Protective Services for a risk assessment today. Let our experienced security personnel devise a customized solution to protect your office, employees, customers, and tenants. We’ve provided security services for retail stores, high-rise offices, banks, healthcare facilities, industrial buildings, convenience and grocery stores, and more. Our company has 50+ years of combined expertise in top-level commercial real estate security management. We’re always looking for ways to offer our customers better security services in any situation. Put our extensive experience to work for you!

Need a Better Security Blanket? Request a Quote Today!